Apraxia |
Apraxia is the most over-diagnosed speech disorder, which is why the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) continually puts out guidelines for accurate diagnosis and does research on effective treatment. We follow these guidelines and uses treatment strategies supported by high-quality evidence. We are able to make the diagnosis or provide a second opinion, and our therapy approaches are effective for apraxia.
Articulation/Speech Clarity |
We are able to improve articulation and fix speech sound disorders rapidly. We help children speak clearly and can fix long-standing speech sound errors.
Autism |
Autism is characterized by a constellation of communication issues, which may include social/pragmatic language, expressive/receptive language, language processing, stuttering, apraxia, or other speech-sound disorders. Sensory issues may also impact communication. We have expertise in all of these areas and enjoy working with autistic individuals and those who may benefit from social communication support. We are able to establish rapport and can typically elicit or identify communication where none has been present.
Chromosomal Differences |
We work with individuals who have Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome), microdeletions, and other chromosomal differences. These disorders have widely varied presentations and require highly individualized treatment.
Cluttering |
Cluttering is a fairly rare disorder of speech clarity, which is sometimes mistaken for stuttering or articulation disorders. It requires particular strategies in order to make progress, which we use effectively.
Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing |
We enjoy working with deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals, whether they use hearing devices or not. Annie and Sam are fluent in American Sign Language and have expertise in auditory-oral therapy.They can individualize an approach that will work for each client.
Early Communication |
We are able to establish early communication for children. We love to get down on the floor to play and learn with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Parent involvement is particularly important with this population, and we are certified Hanen instructors.
Expressive Language |
From nonspeaking children to those using sentences, we are able to get each client to the next level with expressive language. We also take into account the impact expressive language has on education and socialization.
Global Delay |
We have worked with many clients who are globally delayed, which may include issues with expressive/receptive language, speech clarity or apraxia, motor skills, sensory issues, vision difficulty, feeding disorders, etc. We consider the broad picture of the whole individual when working on communication skills.
Phonological Disorders |
We are experts on phonological (pattern-based) speech-sound disorders and are able to help children with phonological disorders make rapid progress.
Processing |
Auditory processing and language processing disorders require a different approach than typical language disorders. Processing disorders impact the ability to learn language, socialize, and participate in the classroom differently than other communication disorders. We are able to customize an approach for each client, and share strategies and accommodations.
Reading Difficulty |
From decoding (saying the words) to reading comprehension, speech and language greatly impact reading. We help children bridge the gap between communication and reading. This includes pre-reading skills, phonics, pronouncing the words, answering questions, formulating longer responses to the text, and more.
Receptive Language |
While there is some overlap, receptive language generally requires different strategies than expressive language. Receptive language includes answering questions, following directions, and doing as you are told. Receptive language is the foundation for expressive language, and We are highly skilled at helping children increase their receptive language skills.
Selective Mutism
Selective mutism is a complex anxiety disorder that affects pragmatic language. Individuals do not choose where to speak, but are more comfortable speaking in select situations. We understand how selective mutism can affect academic, educational, and/or social performance, and use evidence-based practices to help clients progress from non-communicative to non-verbal and on to verbal communication.
Spelling |
Spelling difficulty is related to communication. There are several disorders that may underlie spelling difficulty, and we are able to identify and treat issues with spelling.
Stuttering |
We are able to distinguish stuttering disorders, which need speech therapy, from developmental stuttering, which can be a passing phase during early childhood. With specialized training from the Stuttering Foundation of America, we can treat stuttering and its related issues effectively and with compassion.
Tongue Thrust
Tongue thrust is a disorder of articulation, swallowing, and resting posture, which requires a different approach than typical articulation therapy. We are experienced in treating tongue thrust, with familiarity in orofacial myofunctional therapy.